How Much It Costs to Live on a Cruise Ship For a Year (Updated for 2025)

How Much It Costs to Live on a Cruise Ship For a Year (Updated for 2025)

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Publish Date:
March 10, 2025
Cruising Life
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Five years ago I posted a video that used real-life numbers to find the cost of living on a cruise ship for a year. That video has had nearly 1.2 million views, but it was done a long time ago before the pandemic, before the travel boom, and before inflation hit everything.

We're more than due for an update to see just exactly what it costs to live on a cruise and I can tell you, that the number... well, let's just say it surprised even me and I've been doing this a long time. Here's how much it costs...

See the accompanying article here:

#cruise #travel

Title: How Much It Costs to Live on a Cruise Ship For a Year (Updated for 2025)
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