We're headed out on MSC Seaside for a dose of spooky Halloween fun on the high seas! Join us for embarkation day as we shuttle from Orlando to Port Canaveral using GoPort's "Fly, Snooze & Cruise" package... then it's time to explore the ship, including a tour of our Aurea Premium Suite!! :D
Find GoPort on the internet machine here:
00:00 BOOM!
00:04 Welcome To The Vlog
01:49 GoPort Shuttle Mode
02:39 Embarkation & Wandering
04:41 Lunch & Exploration
07:15 Aurea Premium Suite Tour
11:27 The Mustering Process
12:43 Further Ship Exploration
16:20 Pre-Dinner Chat
18:17 Dinner In The MDR
19:43 A Quick Wandering Bit
20:31 Variety Show
22:52 Darkness Exploration
27:55 The Evening Ends
It's time for a dose of spooky fun as we head out on MSC Seaside for Halloween on the high seas! Join us for a seven-day sailing out of Port Canaveral with stops in Ocean Cay, Costa Maya, and Cozumel. We sailed from October 27 through November 5, 2023 on this cruise... let's do this thing!! :D
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Dee-Lightful Destinations: https://www.parodeejay.com/travel
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ParoDeeJay • P.O. Box 117 • Grandy, NC 27939
Camera Gear & Stuff:
Main Vlog Video - Canon G7X Mark II
Underwater Video - GoPro Hero 9 Black
Dee's Photos - Canon Powershot SX740 HS
Royalty-Free Music:
Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
#Embarkation #MSCSeaside #MSCCruises #MSCCruisesUSA #PortCanaveral #EmbarkationDay #GoPort #GoPortCanaveral #CruiseVlog #CruiseVlogger #CruiseVlogs #CruiseVloggers