Psycho Manager DESTROYS MY HOUSE for going on Vacation instead of WORKING on Xmas - Reddit Podcast

Psycho Manager DESTROYS MY HOUSE for going on Vacation instead of WORKING on Xmas - Reddit Podcast

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â–¶ CREAM OF THE STREAM - Copyright FREE Music to use for Streaming:

0:00 Crazy Entitled Manager destroys my property because I wouldn’t come into work on my Christmas Vacation! (u/Longjumping_Chair639)
4:28 Am I the Jerk Am I the jerk for getting a fellow university student fired and expelled for breaking the law? (u/black_bitty)
11:42 My boyfriend is convinced that I’m actually cheating him when I fall asleep to take a nap, and he simply won’t let up. (u/Sleepingpanda3975)
15:25 My boyfriends mom is planning a dinner date for him with another girl, and I am at a loss of what to do. (u/happyhoneybeez)
18:55 My girlfriend wants to talk to my toxic ex-girlfriend, and I really am hesitant to allow this, and I don’t know what to do. (u/an0therthr0waway22)

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